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Asset Management
Broadband Planning
Comprehensive Site Acquisition Services
Design and Engineering
Drone Services
Environmental and Full NEPA
Franchise Consolidation
Fiber-to-the-X (FTTx)
Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping
Right-of-Way (ROW)
Program, Project, and Construction Management
Site Audits
Surveying and Mapping Services
Tower Mapping and Analysis
Wireless Carrier Troubleshooting
Utility Coordination
Zoning and Permitting


Asset ManagementHorrocks understands our clients’ need to maintain updated information of their assets’ current condition and performance to prevent unanticipated failures and replacement costs. We provide the experience, staff expertise, and technology to maintain monitoring of assets’ condition and performance. Our asset management expertise includes: Use of COTS software and development of Esri-based, field-ready, easy-to-use applications for updating clients’ GIS databases to develop asset management plans. Window and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) surveys to determine the condition of assets. Web-based application development to provide clients (DOTs, municipalities, and others) with the ability to view asset management scenarios in an online web mapping dashboard. Field data collection, validation, and preparation via Esri-based apps. Use of both Esri’s ArcGIS Collector and Survey123 data collection in conjunction with Horrocks-developed apps that minimize data compilation and validation efforts because all data has been spatially collected and stored. Development of degradation curve and age algorithms to model the degradation of assets over time and how treatments affect their apparent age. Identification of the best treatment patterns (referencing the algorithms), which are updateable in the app and allow end-users to mix and match treatments to fit budgetary, political, or other needs. Development and application of deterioration models to predict the remaining service life of various infrastructure types. Our models reflect the impact of asset-specific deterioration parameters. Accurate and efficient deterioration models are vital for the life-cycle cost analysis of our client’s assets.
Broadband PlanningHorrocks has developed more than 15 local, regional, and statewide broadband plans for various agencies and internet service providers (ISPs). These plans focus on broadband needs, prioritizing unserved and underserved locations. Our team is extremely familiar with various wireless and wired broadband technologies and develops plans that are tailored to the needs of the agency, whether large or small. We utilize these plans as a basis for new projects and help our clients understand the optimal ways to spend their project dollars. As part of these plans, we develop high-level cost estimates to choose the appropriate type of technology to implement. With the influx of federal broadband planning sweeping across the nation, our team is ready to assist with whatever broadband planning efforts are needed.
Comprehensive Site Acquisition ServicesHorrocks understands that the experience of a good Site Acquisition team can make all the difference for our clients. Our team is comprised of skilled telecom professionals with an in-depth knowledge of design, leasing, zoning, permitting and the necessary project management skills and efficiencies needed to be successful. Based on your needs, we can design and manage sites from the beginning to the start of construction, and we’re committed to the success of our clients.
Design and EngineeringHorrocks has developed design and engineering plans for dozens of projects and clients all over the western U.S. This includes a wide range of small, local business connections, fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and last-mile deployments, and a whole host of middle-mile/long-haul projects in remote and rural areas. Additionally, we have designed all types of cellular/mobile wireless for the major carriers (Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile), ranging from Small cells up to Macro cell installations. We have done design work in both the public and private sectors and understand the unique challenges of each, and how they relate to the broadband industry.
Drone ServicesHorrocks' use of drone technology has greatly enhanced our mapping and modeling capabilities. Horrocks’ survey and Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) team has performed all types of aerial surveys for various types of projects. These include control, aerial target placement, orthomosaic photography, as-built, ROW, topographic mapping, and construction surveys. One of our unique strengths is our fully staffed survey team and their ability to use the UAS equipment essential to obtain the most accurate surveying information for projects. We can provide field-to-finish surveying in support of any engineering project. Horrocks is familiar with and uses proper survey coding for all field work. For our telecommunications projects, the drone footage captured is used to create a 2D or 3D model of an area, tower, or utility pole, as well as aerial imagery to convert to a point cloud including contours, to create a cut-and-fill analysis, and for site development. Our Drone services are nearly as accurate as LiDAR survey, which we also offer, but at a less expensive rate and reduced time in the overall data processing. Our team has several drones available for use, the newest being the Skydio 2+ Enterprise, which resists wind speeds up to 25 mile-per-hour.
Environmental and Full National Environmental Policy Act (Nepa) ServicesHorrocks has prepared more than 100 environmental documents in the last 10 years for various cities and state and federal agencies. Our Environmental Department offers a wide range of environmental planning and management services to help our clients meet their important, evolving needs and goals. We produce high-quality environmental documents, studies, permits, and resource impact analyses for the public and private sectors. Our well-rounded and diverse staff of archaeologists, botanists, biologists, historians, engineers, planners, and legal experts work in collaboration with our visualization/graphics experts in producing reader-friendly, defensible documents and permits on schedule and within budget. Horrocks specializes in the following documents, studies, and services: Air Quality Analyses & Modeling Archaeology & Historic Architecture Biological Evaluations & Assessments Categorical Exclusions (CEs) Environmental Assessments (EAs) Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) NEPA Compliance & Documentation Phase I Environmental Site Assessments Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL) Public Involvement/Stakeholder Outreach Section 404 & Stream Alteration Permitting Section 4(f) Evaluations Section 6(f) Conversions Traffic Noise Modeling & Noise Studies Wetland & Aquatic Resource Delineations
Franchise ConsolidationHorrocks assists DOT clients in developing the requirements of the franchise consolidation process through our early involvement in the program. Our land surveyors are tasked with determining ROW as well as locating utility-owned features within the ROW. They develop base mapping used to prepare plan sheets and utility facility descriptions to be included in the franchise consolidation. Our engineers use this base mapping to perform control zone calculations to determine hazard objects located within the ROW. Hazards are analyzed through field review and Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) analysis to determine risk factors associated with each object located in the control zone. That information is then incorporated into a mitigation plan detailing how each hazard will be addressed to finalize the franchise consolidation process. Our understanding of DOT’s needs in working through the franchise consolidation process allows us to deliver the most cost-effective product to our clients. We have assisted numerous utilities with franchise consolidation cost estimates for their use in planning yearly budgets. The final step in the franchise consolidation process is the mitigation plan. All objects located within the clear zone are either scheduled for relocation based on safety, cost, and priority or they are evaluated for variance. A report is prepared and submitted to the DOT with photos and documentation that support all proposed variances and provides a timetable for all mitigated objects.
Fiber-to-The-x (Fttx) ServicesHorrocks is proud to be involved in some of America’s most critical infrastructure deployment programs. Our team enjoys helping to create fast and reliable fiber networks to homes, businesses, municipalities, and communities across the U.S. Horrocks is fully staffed with highly qualified in-house engineering, permitting and construction management personnel that manages all phases of the FTTx lifecycle, depending upon client’s needs. We work directly with our client's' to understand individual needs and customize the approach to best meet project or program requirements.
Geographic Information System (GIS) MappingHorrocks provides solutions for spatial data visualization and analysis beyond typical data collection and management. Our GIS Department puts data into the hands of decision-makers, improving communication through visually accessible data representations and increasing efficiency through process automation. Our team of GIS analysts and programmers helps clients implement ArcGIS Enterprise software, train clients on a variety of GIS topics, and develop custom software to implement business logic and workflows. Our GIS team is qualified to expand the use of GIS to the business operations of our clients. They are trained in the entire ArcGIS suite, including ArcGIS Enterprise (Server, Portal, SDE); ArcGIS Online; ArcGIS Desktop; and ArcGIS Pro. We also are experts in the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET, ArcGIS API for Javascript, ArcGIS API for Python, and the ArcPY Python library.
MaintenanceHorrocks provides tower maintenance by regularly inspecting, repairing, and upgrading the various components that make up a cellular tower to ensure that it operates at peak performance and remains safe and reliable for users. Some of the key tasks involved in cellular tower maintenance include: Regular inspections: Towers need to be inspected on a regular basis to check for any signs of damage, corrosion, or other issues that could compromise the integrity of the structure. This includes checking the tower itself, as well as the antennas, cables, and other equipment that are mounted on it. Cleaning: Over time, cellular towers can accumulate dirt, debris, and other contaminants that can interfere with signal transmission. Regular cleaning is necessary to ensure that the tower operates efficiently. Landscaping: Weed removal & control, tree/shrub trimming, overall compound clean-up and debris removal. Repairs: If any damage or issues are detected during inspections, repairs must be made promptly to ensure that the tower remains operational. Security Gate, fence repairs, etc. Upgrades: As technology evolves and new communication standards are introduced, cellular towers may need to be upgraded to support the latest equipment and protocols. This may involve replacing existing antennas or other equipment or adding new equipment to the tower. Compliance: Cellular towers must comply with a variety of safety and regulatory requirements, such as height restrictions, lighting standards, and radio frequency emissions limits. Maintenance personnel must ensure that the tower always remains in compliance with these requirements. Overall, cellular tower maintenance is a critical part of ensuring that cellular networks operate reliably and efficiently, and that users can stay connected wherever they go.
Right-of-Way (ROW) EvaluationHorrocks has a highly skilled and experienced ROW team, which has provided services to our clients on many projects over the past several decades. Horrocks has the equipment, manpower, and expertise to complete all aspects of ROW services. Our staff develops, checks, reviews, and certifies the necessary documents for parcel acquisition. In addition, we have an in-house CADD team that is experienced at preparing ROW plans for use in the design and acquisition design processes. All plans and parcel descriptions are prepared in accordance with DOT procedures, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements, and the applicable Mapping and Aerial Photogrammetry Guidelines.
Program, Project, and Construction ManagementHorrocks provides complete construction management services to our clients as an extension of our design services or as an independent third party. Our telecommunications construction management staff is experienced in all aspects of construction for telecommunications. Whether a small or large private or federally funded project, we tailor our services to meet the specifications of the job. We provide our clients with quality construction administration, construction engineering, and survey staking while maintaining current filing standards and documentation. Horrocks’ staff has the experience and commitment to fulfill any project requirements within the allocated time and budget, the resources to perform the work, and the ability to work with project stakeholders.
Site AuditsThe Horrocks team regularly performs site audits for our clients as a third-party auditor to ensure the site is compliant with relevant regulations and industry standards, and to also ensure the performance and safety of the site. In this process, our team will identify any hazards or associated risks with the operation of the tower, ensure the tower is operating efficiently and effectively and ensure the equipment and infrastructure is in good condition and functioning properly. Site audits may also include an assessment of the tower’s structural integrity as well as an evaluation of the site’s electrical and grounding systems. The Horrocks auditor may also review the tower’s compliance with local zoning regulations and environmental requirements.
Surveying and Mapping ServicesHorrocks’ survey and ROW team has performed all types of surveys. These include re-tracing and/or staking alignment(s), horizontal and vertical control, level surveys, cross-sectioning, topographical surveys, ROW searching and field locating, property description searching, locating and surveying section corner searches, survey title work, clearing easements, record of surveys, preparation of survey related exhibits, aerial target placement, LiDAR, boundary, laser scanning, as-built, hydrographic, and construction surveys. One of our unique strengths is our full-service surveying and mapping staff. We can provide field-to-finish surveying in support of any telecommunications project.
Tower Mapping and AnalysisThe Horrocks team provides tower mapping and analysis by reviewing all equipment (assets) mounted upon and within the cellular tower to calculate existing and future load levels, what equipment (assets) are currently installed, and what can be installed in the future. This is used when any changes are made to the equipment mounted to the tower, or when new equipment is proposed to be mounted. The towers and equipment are all subject to weight loads, wind loads, and snow loads, and must all fall within the engineered specs of the original tower design.
Utility CoordinationHorrocks offers clients specialists in the design and implementation of various types of fiber optic networks for cellular/wireless communication systems, cell tower sites, DAS, and small cell deployments. We have many years of experience working with both aerial and buried fiber optic applications including optical ground wire (OPGW), all-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) cable, lashed, plowed, directionally bored, trenched, and more. Our talented technicians and licensed engineers design systems that are efficient, secure, and reliable. Our team develops network design solutions that address the exact needs of each client/provider. We work hard to establish and maintain effective and positive relationships with third-party owners, project team members, and clients/owners. With established relationships (and the skill to develop positive new relationships), we can ensure a collaborative environment that helps in working through challenges, including giving team members the confidence to call outside of meetings to address issues as they arise.
Wireless Carrier TroubleshootingHorrocks provides system testing and troubleshooting for all major wireless carriers and equipment manufacturers. Utilizing a variety of CPRI, OTDR and RRU specific tests, performance issues can quickly be identified and repaired to restore any network to maximum operating capacity. Our Team is on the forefront of the 5G and C-Band roll outs and is committed to working with all stakeholders to ensure timely and collaborative resolutions.
Zoning and PermittingHorrocks has a firm understanding of applying for and obtaining permits for fiber optic construction. We have been completing engineering projects within the western United States for over 50 years and have developed strong relationships with many local jurisdictions as well as utility companies. We also have a wealth of experience on permitted crossings for railroads, canals, pipelines, aqueducts, various canal and irrigation companies, and other long-lead-time crossings. As we progress through these various permit processes, we will coordinate closely with the permitting agency up front, identifying those permits that will become critical-path and submitting those applications early in the design process. Special permitting can last anywhere from two to eight weeks, making it critical to identify and apply for these permits early. This enables a streamlined process, where the permits are ready once the design is completed. For federal and state permits, Horrocks has a specialized team of environmental specialists who can handle any federal permitting requirements. We have long-established relationships with these agencies after working with them on a regular basis over the past decades. We have performed numerous environmental clearance documents for projects on the National Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the Bureau of Land Management lands. We are very familiar with their processes and requirements and understand the necessary steps that are required.
Public InvolvementHorrocks is dedicated to promoting equitable broadband access by tailoring outreach strategies to meet the specific needs of diverse populations across the U.S. Our goal is to engage the public, including elected officials and community leaders, through inclusive and diverse outreach strategies. We strive to ensure that all individuals, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or socio-economic status, can easily participate in our outreach and engagement efforts. To reach those who cannot participate online, we utilize traditional methods of communication such as hardcopy materials, mailers, flyers, and signage. We also understand the importance of providing stakeholders with multiple communication options to ensure broader and more diverse engagement. Through soliciting feedback, we gather valuable information on barriers to digital connectivity, underserved or unserved areas, demographic data, and ideas to bridge the digital gap. As many communities in need of connectivity lack broadband access, we recognize the need to employ a "back to basics" approach to public engagement.
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